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29 Health Benefits of Pomegranate Molasses Sauce

29 Health Benefits of Pomegranate Molasses Sauce

Advantages and Disadvantages of Pomegranate Molasses Sauce

 Pomegranate is a delicious fruit that has particular health benefits whether in its seeds, peel or juice, unrivaled by other foods. Pomegranate juice is considered one of the best fruit juices and it is the essential ingredient of preparing irreplaceable pomegranate molasses. Pomegranate molasses sauce is a thick, dark red syrup with a very tart flavor. It differs from pomegranate juice in containing high antioxidants, flavones, mineral components, anthocyanin, fiber, carbohydrates, pectin and a high concentration of vitamin B3, B5, B6 and B1 that enables the body to use carbohydrates as energy. So that, pomegranate molasses sauce has many medical and therapeutic benefits.

Health Benefits of Pomegranate Molasses Sauce

Pomegranate Molasses’ Benefits:

  • Lowering bad cholesterol levels and preventing its accumulation in the arteries.
  • Protecting from heart attack and atherosclerosis.
  • Increasing Oxygen level in the
  • Boosting the body’s immune system because it contains antioxidants.
  • Preventing of blood pressure and diabetes.
  • Preventing constipation and diarrhea, keeping the intestinal, colon and abdomen healthy.
  • Preventing cancer.
  • Preventing hepatitis.
  • Healing rheumatism, rheumatoid and joint inflammation.
  • Improving sexual performance.
  • Fighting bacterial and fungal infections.
  • Fighting back against gout attack.
  • Help losing weight and preventing obesity.
  • Keeping the skin fresh because it contains niacin and protecting it from drying.
  • Removing wrinkles and acne vulgaris.
  • Providing energy for your body and protecting it from premature and from developing Alzheimer disease.
  • Activating the uterine muscle and inducing labor.
  • Treating the cough and chest pain.
  • Bandaging wounds, boils and remove smallpox scars
  • Strengthening the gum.
  • Improving hair health
  • Improving the eyesight
  • Reducing the body temperature during summer.
  • Working as diuretic and preventing of kidney stone.
  • Fighting infectious diseases.
  • Relieving headache.
  • Healing hemorrhoid.
  • Fighting dysentery disease.
  • Stopping bleeding.

Disadvantages of Pomegranate Molasses Sauce:

Studies shew that pomegranate molasses has no side effects, but one study shew that it is dangerous for people suffering from diabetes as it raises Blood sugar level “glucemia” within 30 minutes since drinking it. You can make sure of that by testing Blood sugar level “glucemia” half an hour after drinking one cup of pomegranate molasses.

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