2 fresh coconuts
3 tablespoons of sugar
4 cups ice cubes
1 tablespoon sweetened condensed milk
- Cut the coconut and empty it of the water, then chop it into small pieces.
- Mix coconut, coconut water, ice cubes, sweetened condensed milk and sugar in an electric mixer.
- Keep the juice in the fridge for an hour before serving.
Coconut Juice with Milk Recipe
1 fresh coconut, chopped
1 cup liquid milk
sugar, as desired
3 cups of cold water
- Put half of the coconut in a blender with half the water and a spoonful of sugar and mix well.
- Strain the juice with a cheese cloth well and set the ground coconut aside.
- Add a cup of water to the ground coconut and strain again and add to the juice.
- Repeat the previous steps, then add milk at the end, sweeten the juice, then cool and serve.