You cannot afford a big apartment or do not need it. Buying a small apartment has its own advantages. Smaller apartment means lower mortgage rates, less room to clean and maintain more energy efficient and eco friendly. Decorating your first apartment within your cost-cutting budget requires a lot of creativity, organization and planning. First step is to allocate your budget so that you know your financial parameters and playing field available. This will keep you restricted to your basic needs and requirements and reign in your wishes and desires. Don’t be disappointed or rejected. You have the opportunity to use all your abilities and creativeness to transform your apartment into a home which reflects your personality. Therefore, trust your instincts. Do not clutter your rooms. Everything has to be organized and planned and out in its place. Stay focused on your buying list. Your budget should be focused on quality, size and multi-purpose furniture. If you want to adventure into accessories, do it only if surplus budget and additional space is available.
Color scheme is very important. You want to enter your apartment which has a soothing effect and a spacious look. Painting of rooms and size of furniture must be in balance. This will make the rooms look bigger, lighter and spacious. The bed is the largest piece of furniture but it has to be more than a back support or comfy place to spend overnight hours. The bed should have under bed drawers to accommodate storage for linens, under garments, bath and hand towels, shoes etc. Next big item is a sofa. Go for downsized couch. Buy a three -seater couch or a couple of love seats. Glass top table as a dining table is a good multi-purpose choice. You can adorn the dining area essentially in a breakfast nook. This glass table can grace the front of a sofa as decoration and tea table. Put it on side of sofa and use for placing family photo frames and a table lamp. The class top table is lighter and can be easily moved around. You can see the floor through the glass top which makes the room look lighter, airier and roomier.
Wall shelving is a great idea to make the kitchen look bigger and spacious and adds plenty of storage room. Track lighting gives the impression of a higher ceiling and again more extra space. These petite or small sized furniture and other items have a very important utility, which has been over looked or ignored. In addition to providing extra space for storage, they make the rooms look bigger and brighter. Every six months or so, it creates an opportunity to easily re-arrange the furniture to give your home a new look with very little effort and time. Family members and friends think old furniture has been replaced.