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First Date Fashion for Men

First Date Fashion for Men


Fashion is a big part of our everyday lives, whether you are a woman or a man. And although we may not realize it, the first date jitters are not only experienced by the woman spending two hours picking out the perfect outfit. Men also find themselves wondering what to wear to make the right first impression. Here are a few tips to help you men relax and enjoy your date night.

The first thing to think about before even looking at the clothes in your closet is cleanliness. Take a shower, wash your hair, and make sure your nails are clipped. These may not be things you think about on a day to day basis, but on a first date, these details can determine you will be having a second one.

Now you can focus on your wardrobe. No matter where you and your date have agreed to meet, it is important to look your best. Of course this will vary a bit depending on your personal style, but there are some fashion rules everyone should follow. First of all, stay away from graphic tee shirts and shirts with sayings on them. Although these may seem hilarious to you and your friends at poker night, they are more than likely not appropriate for a first date.

While trying to look your best, it is also important to not over dress. Wearing a tuxedo is obviously over doing it, but even a suit can come off up tight. Instead wear a nice blazer or jacket that is casual, but also presentable. When it comes to shirts, button ups are generally a safe choice. You can also wear a slight V-neck T shirt, but either way try to stick to solid colors.

Depending on the location of your date, a dark jeans may be fitting. Jeans are great because they come in such a wide variety of choices, they can be worn for many occasions. However, stay far away from jeans with a lot of fading and/or holes or any distress. This does not make you come off stylish but sloppy. If you are going to a very nice restaurant, it is best to wear khakis or a nice pair of slacks.

Shoes can be a bit tricky with a man’s outfit, but an obvious choice to steer clear from would be tattered tennis shoes, or your work shoes. Sure, they are comfortable and look great with whatever you wear to work, but a date is special and something you should go the extra mile for. A nice pair of dress shoes will look nice even if you choose to wear dark jeans.

Accessories can also be worn by men, but you do not want to seem too flashy. A nice watch is plenty to give your outfit a bit of a pop, but stay away from rings and necklaces. Also, do not wear your sunglasses as an accessory. Cologne is something most women love, but make sure not to spray too much. If you want a second date, its best to not suffocate them with thick cologne smell.

As it is for women, it is crucial to feel comfortable in the way you look. No matter your style, you can meet these standards and make a great first impression. Impress her not only with your personality and chivalry, but also with your fashion statements that are really the icing on the cake, and will be noticed.

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