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Grilled Sardines Recipe in The Oven

Arabic Baked Sardines Recipe with Herb & Lemon

How to make grilled sardines in the oven



Half a kilo of sardines
Onion sliced
6 Tablespoons of lemon juice
Salt and black pepper (to taste)
Tablespoon ground cumin
A quarter cup of olive oil
1 Tablespoon dried green thyme
1 Tablespoon crushed garlic
2 Tablespoons white vinegar



Clean the sardines well, inside and out.

Put the onion slices in the tray, then put the sardine fish on top of the onion slices.

Use a deep bowl to make the fish marinade and mix: garlic, lemon, olive oil, salt, black pepper, cumin, thyme, vinegar and mix well.

Pour the marinade over the fish, then place the tray in a well-heated oven for 25 minutes or until the sardines are cooked.

Serve the dish while it is hot with white rice or Sayadia rice and salad.

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