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Method for Drawing on a Fabric

Method for Drawing on a Fabric


The drawing designs on fabric and clothes so easy these days with using the suitable tools, and right technique for drawing designs on fabric. Here is the second way you can use it for drawing on your Fabric.


The materials you need for drawing:

Fabric markers or fabric crayons “Fabric Paints” after you use them you usually have to iron the print from the back so the dye sets , also you can use Puffy Paint which doesn’t need to iron it, you just wait for it to dry, and it also has a bit of texture.

And you can buy these materials from a craft store.

Instead of drawing you can use the stencils, and choose what you want to draw it on your fabric.

A pen for drawing

A plastic bag

Art Palette to mix the colors when you need.



Use your pen for drawing .

Put a plastic bag behind the fabric, now you can use your colors.

You can use a small brush to select the drawing.

If you want you can use black and white colors to put your special touches, like lighting and shading.

Now you can use your fabric.

Second Way: 

How I Draw Fabric Textures | Or the Texture of Anything Really With RixCanDoit


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