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Creating a Stone Wall with Paints

Creating a stone wall with paints


Make casting come alive. In real life, stone walls are not simply one color but are a component of different earth tones. The result is mottled look. This mottling can be either subtle or one dominant color in natural color variations in the stone. It appears to be hard and tedious job to paint a stone wall but it is a lot easier. Have photographs of real walls to be used as guiding tools. Your lead-off color is grouting color. It is the color of lines between the stones. Its color will act as a base of the stones. Base coloring is not a complete paint. There are variations of grays and browns and even hints of green, to bring in the effect of fungus .Get your choice of paints, glaze, paintbrush, tray and roller, masking tape 2 cm wide, acrylic for base and top color, a sponge, mutton cloth, mixing container and small artists brush.


Step 1: It is good to dust the casting lightly with a clear polyurethane sealant. It does two things; firstly, it prevents the paint from being absorbed into all the plaster at once, which helps create the mottled effect. Secondly, makes the color a bit more vibrant.  Roller and paint brush are used in painting the walls a solid coat

Step 2: Make sure the paint is dry before employing the masking tape on joints. The size of blocks has to be in scale with the dimensions of the room or wall.

Step 3: After the masking tape covering, mix the glaze color, the ratio preferred is five parts of glaze and one part paint. Ratio can vary to bring in slight variations to your liking. A single stone has to be sponged with glaze, so that every single stone has its own mark and a varied pattern to create texture and unique look. To bring this effect, the sponge is used in rolling motion, while dabbing around the edge of the blocks.

Step 4: Do a little padding with mutton cloth on the blocks to soften the patterns of the glaze. This process gives depth and nice shading to the look of stones.     

Step 5: To give a more authentic and real look, the final details stonework of weathering and staining is done in light or dark gray colors.

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