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How to Decorate The Foyer!

How to Decorate the Foyer?


Foyer (Entryway Home) is the first eye-attractive location for visitors, so it should be well-decorated as it reflects the rest of the house’s decoration. Today we are going to be presenting the essential tips on decorating the house foyer.

Entrance table
The shape, and design of the entrance table depends on the geometrical shape of the foyer. If there is enough space, it is recommended to place a large round table that reflects the style of your house whether it was classical, or modern. If the foyer is not so spacious, you can choose rectangular table below a unique mirror that will add more space to the foyer.

Lighting plays an important role in completing the look beside providing light, so it is recommended to hand long chandelier with beautiful look if you have a double height ceiling, but If the ceiling is low, then there are unlimited number of choices for the lightning chandelier. Make sure to choose a style that is similar to your house style.

Choosing the suitable carpet for the entrance gives a sense of warmth. You should pay attention to the kind of floor when you choose the carpet. For example, marble floors are suitable with silk, and Agami carpets. Wooden, or ceramic floors are good with wool like Kilim.

The accessories on entrance table are so important to grab viewer’s attention, so it is recommended to choose beautiful flowerpots to carry natural flowers that spread a special odor over the house. You can replace the flowerpots with a crystal design, or elegant sculpt. You can also decorate the walls with beautiful paintings.


The entrance the permanent title of your house

Designers agree that the décor style differs from one to another as it depends on arrangement and color scheme, although the principles of decorations are the same. Hence, we agree on the Arabic statement “The letter is obvious from its title” as it is the first thing that grabs visitors’ attention. You should add some simple decorations for furniture pieces in your house. If the entrance lobby is spacious, add a round table with a diameter of 1 meter, and with a height of 80 cm in the middle. It can be decorated with a vase in the middle.

You can replace the round table with two chairs beside the entrance that have a small table in the middle below a beautiful mirror over the wall that is opposite to the entrance. Choose also a suitable carpet for the entrance to complete the elegant look. If you’ve hanged paintings, then use the painting’s lighting.

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