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DIY Traditional Rag Doll

DIY Old Fashioned Rag Doll

Designing a custom doll enables you to select your preferred textiles, fabrics, colors, and design, resulting in a unique and beautiful doll that can either have a vintage or modern look. Each doll comes with its own story, making it a cherished family keepsake. Additionally, we offer handcrafted rag dolls that are guaranteed to bring joy to both you and your child.

Delight in the artistry of crafting your very own exquisite fabric doll using a simple sewing template and a comprehensive guide featuring detailed, sequential directions.



A drawn paper model of the doll to be made


Cutting cloth

Sewing pins

Little dress

Fiber bag

sewing needle

Colored thread (in a color that matches the colors of the pieces of fabric for sewing the doll)

Brown, black, or yellow wool thread (to make doll hair)

Buttons (to make doll’s eyes)

Crayon marker or chalk marker

Adhesive glue for fabrics.

Flow-master colors for fabric (for drawing the doll’s face)


Handmade Traditional Rag Doll


  1. Affix the sketched paper template of the doll onto the fabric with pins.
  2. Trim the fabric accurately based on the doll pattern outlined on the paper, in order to achieve the initial form of the doll design.
  3. Fold the fabric in half over the doll figure to create two figures with identical dimensions, one for the doll’s face and the other for its back.
  4. Mark the doll’s edges with sewing chalk, ensuring a minimum of 1.5 cm of space is left for sewing.
  5. Identify the specifics of the doll’s components, such as the arms and legs, by sketching them using sewing chalk, followed by affixing and stitching them in place.
  6. Stack the two figures on top of one another and fasten them with pins before stitching along the marked lines.
  7. Trim off any extra fabric with scissors, ensuring to keep a small gap (like one of the feet) for inserting cotton to create a precise doll model.
  8. Utilize fiber or shredded sponge to fill the interior of the doll.
  9. Stitch the opening that was previously used for stuffing, and attach the facial features, including the mouth, eyes, and nose. Utilize buttons for the eyes, ensuring they are firmly secured with fabric adhesive to prevent any risk of swallowing and potential suffocation for your child. Employ felt-tip colors designed for the fabric to draw the mouth and nose.
  10. Make the doll’s hair using thick wool threads of a suitable length, then sew them in the form of a line that divides them from the middle of the head into two halves hanging on the sides, then they are glued around the ears, braided from below, or tied and decorated as desired using hair ties.
  11. Utilize a vintage dress or T-shirt to create garments for the doll, attaching it securely to the doll by either gluing or sewing it.


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