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DIY Colorful Doll of Milk Carton Box

Instructions for creating a doll using a milk carton box and Empty toilet paper rolls

How to Make a Doll of Milk Carton Box?

The Introduction

You can create a stunning doll without requiring an abundance of costly tools and materials. Simply utilize some basic tools found in your household, along with your unique artistic ability and a touch of creativity, to craft a captivating doll.



Colored sheets of cardboard

An empty, clean milk carton

Glue or wax gun



2 Empty toilet paper rolls

A piece of cardboard

Watercolor or any type you prefer

Wool yarn (optional)

One piece of white or beige fabric


Instructions for creating a doll using a milk carton box


  1. Retrieve the milk carton and detach the slanted side of the carton from the top. Subsequently, position the milk carton on the cardboard surface. Initiate the process by sketching a cover for the milk carton, and subsequently affix it securely over the exposed side of the carton.
  2. After sealing the milk cartons at both ends, proceed to wrap one of the colored cardboard sheets around the carton, ensuring complete coverage from all angles.
  3. Bring two empty toilet paper rolls and wrap them with colored cardboard.
  4. Attach two empty toilet paper rolls securely to the bottom of the box.
  5. Create a paper ball and proceed to wrap it with a white cloth. Begin by sketching the facial features of the doll, including the eyes and mouth, followed by the nose, and lastly, the eyebrows.
  6. Attach the head to the top of the milk carton to provide the doll with both a head and feet. You have the option to create the doll’s hair using wool, or you can opt for colored cardboard sheets to design the hair and craft a dress.
  7. Draw the hands and hair on the colored cardboard sheet, subsequently trim and adhere them.


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