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If Your Wife Has Become Fat !!!

If your wife has become fat !!!


If your wife has become fat and you want to tell her without hurting her feelings.

You can do this by 5 steps as follows:

1 – Buy a blouse smaller than her size. For example, if she wears size 18, bring her size 10, and if she said this is not the correct size, you should tell her that was your size last year. By this way she will begin to think that she must reduce her weight to wear this blouse.

2 – When you sit with your wife to eat your dinner, hold her dish and start putting her the food, but in small quantities and of course will not feel full and she will put more food, in this case you should leave the table and make her feel you ate well and continue to eat , this will make her feel ashamed of herself.

3 – Try to carry her and, of course, you cannot because your wife is too heavy, and tell her you’re not as before, by this way you will hear from your wife bad words, don’t care about what she says, you will know your message started to reach her.

4 – If she still didn’t lose weight or started diet, now is your turn to go on diet. We know you do not need this diet or maybe will disappear, but in this case you will make her feel how bad she is.

5 – In case your wife did not understand all these messages, that means you have to eat very much, and by this way your wife will start talking to you about the extra weight you get, your stomach becomes like a watermelon, of course in this time tell her that she has become an elephant and you can tell her all what you feel .

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