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Walnut-Filled Maamoul Recipe

What is the procedure for preparing a recipe for walnut maamoul?

Recipe for maamoul with walnut filling:


The introduction:

On different occasions, walnut maamoul is served as a tasty dessert that always pleases. Moreover, it can be relished as a delightful breakfast treat alongside a refreshing cup of tea to start the day.


The most important points:
1- Introduction
2- Ingredients for maamoul dough with walnuts
3- Ingredients for the walnut maamoul filling
4- Steps to make walnut maamoul


Maamoul dough ingredients:
A kilo of semolina.
Half a kilo of flour.
200 grams of melted butter.
Half a cup of sugar.
A teaspoon of mahlab.
A tablespoon of nutmeg.
2 teaspoons of mastic.
Half a cup of orange blossom and rose water.
A teaspoon of yeast.
A tablespoon of rose water.


Ingredients for walnut maamoul filling:
Filling ingredients:
500 grams of chopped walnuts.
A cup and a half of sugar.
A teaspoon of orange blossom and rose water.
Powdered sugar for decorating.


What is the procedure for preparing a recipe for walnut maamoul?


Steps to make walnut maamoul:

1. Combine semolina, flour, butter, and sugar in a bowl.

2. Incorporate mahlab, nutmeg, mastic, and yeast into the mixture, ensuring thorough mixing for a uniform consistency.

3. Allow the mixture to rest for an entire day.

4. Integrate the rose water into the mixture, stirring well until a smooth dough forms.

5. Set the dough aside for approximately fifteen minutes.

6. Mix together the walnuts, sugar, and rose water to make the filling, ensuring the ingredients are thoroughly combined.

7. Shape the dough into small balls, place the filling in the center of each dough ball, and seal the dough.

8. To utilize a wooden maamoul mold, simply insert a ball of dough into the mold, gently press it flat, add the filling, and seal it securely.

9. Iterate the steps until the entire dough is utilized, then carefully position the tray inside the preheated oven at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius. Leave it undisturbed for 15 – 30 minutes, until a beautiful golden color is attained.

10. After letting the maamoul cool down, sift the powdered sugar over it using a strainer, then transfer it to a serving dish and enjoy it with a cup of tea.


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