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11 Ideal Shade Plants for Indoor Home Décor

Shop what are 11 best Shade Plants for Indoor Home Décor?

11 Ideal shade plants for indoor home décor.. Grow in low light with minimal care

Green plants add a lot of vitality and beauty to the house, in addition to their wonderful role in purifying the air and relieving our feelings of heat. For indoor rooms, we need shade plants that do not need strong lighting to thrive and grow. Here is a list of the best shade plants that can grow easily in low light and require very little care:

Peacock plant

This plant can thrive with incredibly decorative and colorful leaves; it thrives in medium to low light and requires consistent moisture to perform well.


It is one of the plants that do not need strong lighting, and it can grow with medium-temperature lighting at home and medium humidity. This plant combines green and cream colors and may reach a height of 5 feet.

Red dracaena plant (dragon tree)

The dragon tree is a strong plant that cannot be killed easily, does not need direct sunlight, and it does not need much water for irrigation.

Spider plant

The spider plant is one of the famous plants that grow well, and it may tolerate a lot of neglect and will grow in indirect sunlight, easily.

Heart leaf philodendron

This plant can grow and thrive indoors all year long without showing any problems, which makes it a good choice, and its leaves are delicate and beautiful.

Peace lily

 The peace lily plant is a shade-loving plant that requires no effort to raise, needs drying between watering, blooms several times a year and it is easy to grow large.

 Chinese evergreen

 Chinese evergreen makes the house beautiful and wonderful because this plant is one of the most perennial plants that can be cultivated, and it tolerates weak light, dry air and drought as well.

Snake plant

 the snake plant is very simple, tolerates neglect for a long period of time that may reach for weeks, yet it is always distinguished by its striped leaves and architectural shape, and is always fresh and tolerates low light and drought.

 Bamboo plant

 Bamboo plants can easily fit in small areas with indirect lighting, And NASA has found that it is one of the best candidates for houseplants to purify the air from benzene and trichlorine, and the bamboo plant is considered a good humidifier, as it releases a large amount of moisture into the air and largely resists any insect infestation, and it has been proven that the high concentrations of cellulose in the bamboo plant Stimulates appetite, prevents constipation and improves digestion.

Boston fern

The Boston fern works well as a humidifier, and while it’s busy adding moisture to the environment it also does another great job of eliminating formaldehyde, The Boston fern is characterized by large feathers that extend up to 5 feet, and is named by this name because it is one of the most popular houseplants in Boston.  Boston fern also offers beauty and other health benefits and it is ideal for those with dry skin because it acts as  

A humectant that helps restore moisture in the air, but remember to keep Boston fern it must be exposed to sunlight and watered regularly.

 It can be grown and thrives outdoors in warm climates with sufficient moisture. The plant may tolerate drier climates. A frost may kill the fern on the ground, but it will revive in the spring. And this subtype of Boston fern, also known as the sword fern, is a common type of fern that grows in many tropical regions around the world, and in North America it is considered a classic houseplant, and it is easy to care for because it does not require a lot of sunlight.

Lady palm plant

 Also known as Rhapis palm, this plant requires a lot of watering during the spring and summer, but makes up for it with its strong resistance to insects.  And Its dense green leaves with rich coloration grow without much effort. Since this palm is very tolerant of low-light conditions, it is commonly To grow indoors as a houseplant.

The lady palm plant can thrive in any type of light from shade to full sunlight as well. The best results will likely be found in full, but indirect sunlight. The more shade it is exposed to, the darker green the leaves will be. If you move it To full sunlight the leaves may turn yellow and their tips may burn.

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