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The 17 Benefits and 7 Disadvantages of Consuming Yogurt daily

What are the benefits and disadvantages of consuming yogurt?


Are you looking for a simple and healthy addition to your morning routine? Look no further than the delicious bowl of yogurt. Yogurt is rich in nutrients, has numerous health benefits, and is an excellent choice for starting the day.

Yogurt is a food rich in many important benefits for the body, so people eat yogurt all over the world, as it is rich in a different and distinctive taste, and it also has many benefits.

What happens when you eat yogurt daily?

What are the benefits and disadvantages of consuming yogurt?


Yogurt can be eaten daily early in the morning on an empty stomach, as this will not have a negative effect on the body. Yogurt contains many beneficial nutrients for the body; therefore, eating yogurt daily can have many health benefits. The benefits of yogurt, when consumed daily, are as follows:


  • Yogurt contains probiotics, a type of live bacteria that helps improve digestive health and boost immunity.
  • Yogurt is a rich source of calcium and essential vitamins, which contribute to enhancing overall health and helping build strong bones.
  • Yogurt contains proteins that help you feel full for a longer period, which contributes to weight control.
  • Yogurt contains healthy fats, which help lower harmful cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Contributes to building muscles and enhancing physical fitness due to the healthy proteins in yogurt.
  • Yogurt reduces cancer risk.
  • Eating yogurt enhances the absorption of minerals and vitamins.
  • Yogurt is a source of calcium that promotes osteoporosis.
  • Daily consumption of yogurt may help eliminate bloating and abdominal gas, as the probiotics found in yogurt have been linked to facilitating digestion and improving intestinal health. It is important to avoid these types without adding sugar.
  • It is an important element in blood clotting and wound healing.
  • Yogurt helps to maintain normal blood pressure.
  • Yogurt is a safe alternative for those with milk allergies, or for people who cannot tolerate lactose.


Yogurt can be eaten as a snack or breakfast, or it can be added to many different recipes and dishes; however, yogurt containing large amounts of sugar or added fat should be avoided, as excessive consumption of this type of yogurt may lead to negative effects on the body.


Benefits of yogurt for the skin:

Yogurt has been used since ancient times in aesthetic treatments and to glow the skin, and this use has continued until the present time, which may be due to the high content of vitamins and minerals in yogurt.

  • Here are the most important elements that yogurt contains, which give it all the aesthetic benefits it brings to the skin.
  • Yogurt contains zinc, which has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Helps prevent acne and rashes.
  • It has astringent properties and helps to tighten tissues.
  • Zinc is necessary for cell reproduction and growth, and contributes to the regulation of sebaceous gland secretions.


Lactic acid is one of the main components of yogurt and is famous for its use in the manufacture of skin care products because:

– Acts as a natural skin exfoliant.

– Moisturizer used for dry skin.

– Helps prevent wrinkles.

– Yogurt contains a group of B vitamins that are important for the skin.

– This deficiency may cause skin and aesthetic problems.

– It plays an important role in maintaining freshness and glowing skin.

– This process is necessary for cell growth and regeneration.

– Protects cells from free radicals.

– It helps prevent and heal wounds and facilitates skin regeneration because it contains calcium.


4 Best yogurt recipes for the skin:

The most popular recipes followed to obtain the maximum benefits of yogurt and obtain fresh, healthy, and radiant skin are usually represented as follows:

  1. A recipe to fight acne and treat oily skin

The acidic environment of yogurt helps kill bacteria and germs that cause acne. Mix yogurt with honey and apply it to the skin. Wait for a quarter of an hour and wash your face with water.

  1. A recipe to lighten the skin and get rid of spots

Use a nourishing mask consisting of a tablespoon of yogurt and a few drops of lemon juice and apply it to the skin for a quarter of an hour daily.

  1. A recipe to tighten and narrow pores

Gently apply a teaspoon of yogurt to the face, leave it for 10-15 minutes, then wash it and use a moisturizer afterward, or wipe the face with a little rose water using a cotton ball.

  1. A recipe to prevent wrinkles

Use a tablespoon of yogurt and place it on your face for a quarter of an hour, then after rinsing it, apply a little olive oil for ten minutes on your dry skin, and then notice the difference.


What is the appropriate amount of yogurt to consume daily?

It is recommended to eat one cup of yogurt per day, preferably low-fat or fat-free yogurt, and to avoid highly flavored yogurt because it contains a high percentage of sugar.

Harmful effects of consuming excessive yogurt


7 Harms caused by eating too much yogurt:


Excessive consumption of yogurt begins when eating more than 2-4 containers per day and causes some side effects such as:

1- Eating too much yogurt daily leads to lactose intolerance, a condition that occurs when the body lacks lactase, the enzyme needed to break down lactose, which is the sugar found in milk. This also causes digestive symptoms, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bloating.

2- The high amount of calcium in yogurt can make it susceptible to kidney stones or prostate cancer, and consuming it in large quantities also reduces the absorption of iron and zinc, which helps calcium accumulate in the blood vessels.

3- Excessive consumption of it daily may cause an increase in stomach acids, which contributes to the feeling of heartburn and stomach acidity.

4- Yogurt contains a sugar called galactose, which may cause ovarian cancer, and a diet rich in animal proteins may cause cancer.

5- Yogurt interacts with some antibiotics, thus reducing their effectiveness and making them vulnerable to infection.

6- Eating large doses of yogurt leads to weight gain.

7- Many types of yogurt contain high amounts of added sugar, and eating excess sugar is associated with many health problems, including diabetes.


The most popular yogurt recipes



  1. What are the most popular and easiest yogurt recipes?
  2. Can eating too much yogurt cause health problems in humans?
  3. What is the appropriate amount of yogurt to consume daily?
  4. What are the four best yogurt recipes for the skin?
  5. What are the benefits of yogurt on the skin?
  6. What happens when you eat yogurt daily؟
  7. What are the benefits and disadvantages of consuming yogurt?


Source of images:

Yogurt 1

Yogurt 2


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