Do you want to make money from working on internet, I know you want, who doesn’t? Selling ads on your website could be the most successful method to make constant income for a lot of blogger, I will teach you in this article all you need to know about this gold mine, the benefits, the tricks and how to be successful in online advertising business.
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Let’s start first with the pros
The Pros of Selling Ads on Your WordPress Site
You have more control over your income
- When you sell ads on your website you set your own terms because you are the seller. For example you can get your money upfront no matter how to add convert on the advertisers end
- Your website become more like a magazine that sells advertising space because some advertisers will value the exposure itself not only the performance of the add and that applied to the big brand advertisers
Get a more professional look for your website
- Usually when people see ads on a website they think that that site is an authentic site with high value content. Because they know that business owners spend money on your site.
You can make the best use of your traffic
- If your site receives a lot of traffic then you can monetize the site more and more by selling products, use affiliate links for your review posts, or build your email list and you can sell ads.
You can network with potential advertisers and do not wait for them to come
- If you didn’t sell ads on your website before you can always contact a few people you know already or you know that they would be interested and offer them an ad spot for free for 30 days. And then you can offer to keep their ads running for fees after the first month.
The Cons of Selling Ads on Your WordPress Site
They don’t perform very well in the beginning
- While selling ads can bring in regular income, but that income is very relative to the quality of your traffic
- If the advertiser didn’t renew their contract with you, you will not receive money from them anymore and you will have to search for new advertisers.
Some ads can ruin your design
- Many ads would look great on your site, but others wont in fact bad design ads can ruin your design.
- The worst problem is that when you take on an advertising contract you cannot undo it until the contract ends so you should be careful about the ad design before you take on contract.
Ads affect site load speed immensely
- If you’re running a ton of ads on your site you will experience this bad problem. And the site load speed is a very important part of the user experience.
Ads may increase the bounce rate
- Many of visitors will not stay much if the site has a lot of ads located in bad spots or if the design gives the impression that you want the visitor to click fast on and ad.
- If the ad itself perform well that will cause the visitor to click away through the ad, which increase the bounce rate
What to Do Before You Start Selling Ads on Your Website!
Now we come to the meat and potato part of this guide. It is important to consider the following notes that I listed here before sending a cover letter to a potential advertiser:
Think of the ad location on your site
It is really important to allocate advertising space on your site. Allocating a certain space has many benefits:
- designating ad space increase the value of each ad because you offer only a limited amount of space for the advertisement not offering the whole site
- It also shows that you have a valuable site and it convince the advertisers that your traffic will be high quality traffic
- Design that ad space to be limited to 3 spots maximum and no more than that to keep your site looking good
- The best converting spaces are sidebar, the header, and the footer and these spaces have other advantages that it’s not used in publication
Decide your fees reasonably
- Pricing your service should be reasonable and be based on a real value for your client
- If your site is new, you’ll probably want to keep your rates lower
- I suggest you take a look on your competitors in the same niche to help yourself in the pricing process.
Will you sell ads directly or use an ad network?
- You have to reevaluate your strategies before you use an ad network for example you will make more money if you sell your own ads but at the same time using ad network will provide a better traffic for your site
- Selling your own ads means you have to manage everything yourself while using ad network will save you time and work because they will place the ads for you, process your payments and renewing your contracts.
- You have to study and even hire ad network for a month to evaluate if their service increases your income or if their fees will cut your income
What will your advertising page include?
- You need to write a good advertising page on your site to include the following
- The terms and conditions of your site policy for advertising (you can start by checking competitors in your niche then modify it to suit your site more).
- You should write a good list of reasons why anyone should chose your site over others to advertise on it
How will you find advertisers?
- You should build a dedicated advertising page to make it known that you accept ads.
- Using social media is a good way to spread the news for potential advertisers who are connected to you
- If your site is new you will need to find potential advertisers and contact them
- I suggest you sell your ad for free to some advertisers for a limited period of time to let them check the value of your site. This can fill your site with ads quickly and help you with networking
Technical solutions and why wordpress is best platform for selling ads
- In this field you don’t want to hire a developer or write your page code by yourself (nobody do that anymore) that’s why wordpress is the best solution, because wordpress offers the technology of plugins, and you can get a plugin to do any kind of design, or any kind of function you need without any technical knowledge needed on your end.
Where Can You Selling Your Ads and What Are the Best Plugins!
- PublicityClerks
- Seoclerk
- AdSella
- My Universe Magazine
- AdSanity
- OIO Publisher
- BuySellAds
- WP125
- Advertising Manager
- WordPress Ad Widget
- AdRotate
- Banner Manager Pro
- WP Pro Advertising System
- AdPress
- Simple Ads Manager
- Wrapping Up
- Fiverr