Most mothers’ favorite part of getting ready for a baby is shopping for those tiny cute clothes. And because we all love shopping for those cute clothes today I will tell you how to choose clothes for you new born baby wisely.
Baby’s comfort and Health
1- Layering Works for Baby
One of the rarely known secret to avoid sickness and cold is to layer baby’s cloth in a way that give you control, for example if the weather turn hot you can remove on layer or if it get cold you can add one layer or more so you have to choose baby’s clothes to allow you to layer. And if you live in a place that gets really cold, consider buying a fleece snowsuit to avoid bulky clothes which make baby uncomfortable.
2- Baby Socks and Shoes
Baby socks are a must-have for baby’s health, because they can’t accommodate like adult with cold weather. And when you buy it you will have to buy more than size because you can’t expect baby’s foot accurately. Babies in pre-walker period don’t need shoes, but it’s up to you, you can buy shoes for the baby but make sure it have a wide top opening.
Your little cherub becomes active and on the move in the following months. Walking barefoot is best for your baby as it helps them maintain balance. Still, their tiny feet need protection against rough surfaces, cold temperatures, and other hazards.
Besides a wide top opening, check the soles. Shoes with hard soles aren’t ideal for your munchkin. They’re sluggish, making it difficult for them to lift and walk.
Instead, invest in baby shoes with soft bottoms. Your toddler typically wobbles as they learn to walk. Soft-sole shoes can prevent injury to their toes if they trip.
3- Check The Elasticity of The Clothes
All babies are more flexible than most of adults and generally they can bend in lots of cute shapes, but that doesn’t mean they have to act like circus contortionist for wearing clothes. So please check to see that the clothes have a long zipper or a full snap opening either in front or at the back, or if the cloth is meant to be pulled over the head check that the opening is stretchy and soft.
4- Check for Baby’s Comfort
Check if the clothes could cause some discomfort to your baby from the snaps or zippers. When you choose clothes look for the cloths which have layers of fabric inside to isolate the baby from the zipper or the buttons, and also check if the snaps have rough edges that can be reached by the baby.
Practical advices
1- Shop Gradually and Don’t Buy Many Clothes at First
You have to know that babies first clothes will not be wear for long time because babies grow very fast in their first few weeks. And some babies don’t fit in the newborn sizes after the first week! If you received a lot of newborn clothing as gifts, try exchanging some of them for larger sizes if possible. I suggest that you keep the tags on the clothes until you know whether the baby fit in those cloths or not.
2- Check Cloth Labels for Care Requirement
Before you buy babies clothes you have to know if you are willing to wash and dry them by hand, if you don’t want to wash them by hand then you have to check the labels on the cloth cause most babies clothing factories use natural material that can’t be washed or dried by machine. You will be surprised to see that most of babies clothing’s in the market are hand-wash-only.
3- Watch for Hazards on Baby Clothes
Remember that babies explore the world though tasting and swallowing stuff so check for loose buttons, zipper pulls that could detach and baby can swallow it also check for any drawstring that could hang on something and strangle the baby, god forbid.